Losing weight is a life time goal for many. Staying fit is what it is all about, I’d say.
So it is indeed a lifestyle, rather than a temporary “process”. I mean, you cannot stop eating healthy and you cannot stop exercising once you achieve your ideal weight.
You have to keep doing things consistently in order to “maintain” your fitness level.
While accepting the fact that weight loss is a lifestyle change is on the one hand, on the other hand we have the so-called weight loss myths.
You might be thinking what these myths will do to your weight loss efforts.
Let me say this: If you are someone who believes in any of the following weight loss myths, then you are ruining your weight loss efforts.
Let’s talk about the myths.
#1 Skipping meals help you lose weight
This is by far the most common myth I’ve come across. I’ve literally seen people doing it, even though you try to talk them through this and make them understand.
Why? It is because of the simple belief that the lesser you eat, the leaner you become – which is a myth apparently.
Because of this myth, instead of controlling portions, what people do is to skip meals altogether. It is mostly breakfast for many which is a blunder.
Our body goes without food for the whole night. The morning meal is named “breakfast” for a reason – we break the full night’s fast with that meal.
But if you continue your fast by skipping your breakfast, you are doing injustice to your body.
Your body needs a proper, nutritional breakfast to kick off for the day. Without that, your body will be deprived of energy.
Worst of all, this effect will reflect later on during the day.
You will find yourself to be lazy, unproductive and groggy throughout. And when it is time for lunch (or even well before it), you will be super-hungry.
Naturally your body will want you to eat a LOT. And you will; thus ruining your weight loss efforts.
#2 Low fat or fat-fee is the way to go
Low fat versions of food items are popular in the market. Low fat milk, low fat cereals, low fat cooking oil and much more. Totally fat-free versions are also available!
But going fat free all the time is not a wise choice.
For one all fats are NOT equal (more on this below). Next, you NEED certain amount of fat for healthy functioning of brain and other organs (FYI: Your brain is 60% fat!).
Going fat free will not only disrupt the proper functioning of your organs, but will also disturb your metabolism.
Your body will enter into a defence mode and start to store fat (as it thinks that your are now deprived of fat). And you will also start to crave fatty foods.
This is certainly not a healthy way to lose weight!
#3 All fats are equal
Completely avoiding fats thinking that all fats are equal is absurd. There are healthy fats that help maintain healthy skin, healthy brain, and a healthy cardiovascular system.
And there are certain fats that help you lose weight (yup!).
So if you are someone who freaks out hearing “fat”, take it easy. All fats are NOT equal.
Artificial, or processed fats are certainly not good – like the trans fats. So you should avoid commercial products that have trans fats.
But naturally occurring fats, if consumed in moderation, do no harm to you (combined with your weight loss efforts).
#4 Replace sugar with artificial sweeteners
So you have sugar cravings often? And you end up eating sweet stuff which is against your weight loss rules?
Artificial sweeteners have become popular among those who have sugar cravings; and they think that it is totally safe to just replace sugar with artificial sweeteners.
Here’s the thing – artificial sweeteners can fool your taste buds. But not your body! Your body knows when to get “satisfied” with that craving!
So you could end up eating excess of stuff with artificial sweeteners. And you will actually have that craving even after you eat something sweet.
Plus artificial sweeteners are not 100% safe to replace sugar!
#5 Eat whatever you want, but remember to exercise
Another famous myth! People think that as long as you exercise, it is OK to eat anything.
Remember, this is totally absurd. What you put in your mouth counts, no matter what you do.
And it is not just about the fats, or specific calories.
It is about anything and everything unhealthy you eat.
Certain bad fats just get into your bloodstream and deposit in your arteries. So you end up with blocked arteries.
Merely exercising will only help you so much. But you should also be careful about what you eat.
Also over eating and hoping that you can compensate with exercise is also a myth.
Remember exercising and healthy eating should go hand in hand as long as it comes to losing weight!
#6 Nuts are fattening
People who are on a weight loss mission often run away from eating any kind of nuts. The myth? Nuts are fattening!
Oh well, I do agree partially. But as I said earlier all fats are NOT equal. And nuts contribute to the healthy fats that you need for healthy functioning of your body.
Walnuts are great for your brain and for your heart. So are almonds and peanuts.
As long as you consume nuts in moderation, you don’t have to worry about nuts ruining your weight loss goals.
#7 Losing weight is (always) healthy
Here comes a strange myth. Do not EVER assume that losing weight is always healthy.
If you are on a weight loss mission and if you notice that you lose weight as you expected it is fine.
But unexpected weight loss or losing excess weight is certainly not healthy.
Usually, unexpected weight loss could signal a serious health issue. So if you are losing too much weight in a very short term, or if you are losing without any reason, just visit the doctor and clear it up.
In the same context, skinny doesn’t necessarily equate to healthy. You should aim at being well, from inside out.
#8 Drinking lots of water will help you lose weight
This is only partially true. But this partial fact is simply overrated when it comes to weight loss.
For one, you cannot survive merely with water. You need to feed your body with nutritious stuff so it is not deprived of the essential vitamins and nutrients.
Second, while it is true that drinking water helps with weight loss, water cannot melt your fat.
Drinking water suppresses your appetite, keeps you hydrated and speeds up your metabolism. It also helps to flush out toxins from your body.
But it certainly cannot melt the fat. So merely relying on drinking water for weight loss is totally absurd.
#9 Any weight loss approach is fine as long as you lose weight
OK here you go – the last myth, yet so popular.
People are willing to take up any approach when it comes to weight loss.
As long as it helps them to lose weight, they are simply fine with it.
Which is why we see the rise of weight loss supplements, celebrity weight loss programs, crash diets and much more – making weight loss a highly profitable industry.
Never ever fall into this trap.
Healthy weight loss is the only way to go. Make lifestyle changes. Be active. Eat healthy and lose weight.
I cover in detail about this in my e-book Lose Weight And Stay Sane.
Remember it is not just about losing weight; it is about being healthy and fit.
I highly recommend you to grab my e-book for more tips on how to get this done.
Hi Jane. That’s excellent advice. I think the most important one is that not all fats are equal, and cholesterol isn’t necessarily a bad thing either. The same thing with sugar too. Our bodies need all of these things to function properly. We just need to make sure that we get them from a natural source, before the food processing labs have had a chance to turn them into something unnatural and unhealthy.
You are right that skipping meals is not the right solution for weight loss. Skipping meals shifts our body to the starvation mode and body starts storing body fat instead of losing it.
The good solution is to eat healthy, low-calorie diets with more frequencies.
The other points you have mentioned in your post are also really helpful for a healthy weight loss.