Do you love cardio exercises? Well, there is another type of exercise that is known to be more efficient than cardio.
Well, rope jumping or skipping is that particular exercise that can substitute your cardio exercises.
This can also be used for warming up before you do something athletic. It certainly can help you prepare your body for the hard work.
Due to its multiple health benefits, athletes and fitness experts suggest to get going with rope jumping and with regular practice you can certainly get some health benefits as well.
Benefits of rope jumping
Body Toning

Rope jumping is considered to be one of the best full-body workouts.
It can certainly help in toning your body shape and build lean yet strong muscles.
Healthy Heart

This exercise can certainly increase your heart rate which means your heart will pump more blood in your veins, thus ensuring a good health for your heart.
Weight Loss
It can help you in shedding fat and burning calories.
It reduces body weight and works even better from some of the cardio exercises prescribed for weight loss
Improves Immunity
Regular exercise can always improve your health and immunity. Similarly this exercise can help in reducing inflammation, etc.
But you have to remember not to overdo this exercise, as there are some negative effects of overdoing rope jumping.
Improves your Stamina
Athletes need lot of stamina to perform well on field, and this is the reason why athletes of all sorts practice this particular exercise.
With regular practice you can also improve your stamina level, strength, and endurance.
Makes you Mentally Strong
Rope jumping is one of those physical exercises which is capable of stimulating serotonin hormone production.
This means with every session you will feel good about your mood, your work, everything.
Heal your Joints
With regular practice, skipping can certainly improve conditions of your joints like elbows, knees, etc.
It can certainly boost muscle and joint function to some extent.
Getting Ready

Before you start doing skipping, you have to get ready. To do so you need ensure that a few things are right:
Choose your jump rope
There are different jump ropes available for different purposes.
As a beginner you need to choose a slow, durable, and inexpensive rope so that you can get used to the hard work.
Once you are ready or the next step, you can buy a faster rope.
Size of your rope

As a beginner, you do not need speed. You need to get your techniques right, and most importantly, you need to take things slowly.
For this purpose, you need to choose a rope that is long enough to slow down the rope speed.
Surface where you practice
Choosing the right surface is key to avoiding injuries and jump well. Hardwood floors are known for their extra bounce and they are likely to be easy on your knees.
In case you have no other option, you can use carpet or concrete floor to jump but both of these surfaces are not recommended otherwise.
How to do rope jumping right?
Now that you are ready to start your jumping course on a daily basis, it’s time that you know a bit more about rope jumping.
Doing it the right way can certainly help you get the best benefits out of rope jumping:
- While you jump, it is extremely important that your heels do not touch the ground. This will make your muscles strong and you will feel the strength in your feet as well.
- Jumping rope is all about having exercise in motion. It does not require you to jump higher than you can. Jump as it naturally comes to you. As you practice you will have the time estimation for how long you need to jump for the rope to pass once below your feet. Just relax and try better the next time.
- Jumping rope involves your wrist a lot more than it requires your shoulders / arms. You do not need to swing your arms / shoulders. All you need is a good revolution of your rope. To do that, your wrist should be good enough. Trying hard to do better is not going to help you. You need to get a nice circular motion in your rope which can only be controlled by your wrist.
- Before you start your exercise, do check that the rope length is fine for you. You do not need a longer rope than you should have, neither should you have a smaller rope for your workout as this will certainly make things difficult for you.
- To perform this exercise correctly, you need to maintain a nice hand position. Although this will depend on your rope length but ideally your hands should be above your waistline to be perfect.
- Getting into a nice rhythm is really important. It does not matter how fast you can rotate your rope or jump over it, but having rhythm will make this exercise a lot more fun. Think of your jogging, how you pace yourself into a rhythm, and keep on doing the same for rest of your course. This is also a similar sort of thing where you need to find a nice rhythm to get comfortable and workout for long.
- Practice makes a person perfect and this exercise is not any exception. To ensure that you get the best health benefits out of it, you have to ensure that you are able to continue this for a long time. But you cannot achieve that in just a single day. It will take time and ample days of practice to work hard and get the best performance out of you.
So, what are you waiting for? Get your jumping rope today, find a nice hardwood floor to do your exercise, and start working hard today!
If you can do it the right way on regular basis, you are surely going to love it more than any cardio workouts.
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