Health problems are becoming serious day by day. Having a simple issue as a back pain, could wreak havoc in someone’s life, be it a working professional or a student.
The common symptoms of a back pain include a prolonged pain in the back or around the hips, a reduced flexibility of the spine and difficulty in walking and sleeping.
You may also suffer discomforts such as numbness, weakness or tingling in the legs.
Generally, back aches occur due to an improper diet, muscle tension, lack of physical activity, excessive physical labor, poor posture and injury.
However, if you are pregnant or suffer from arthritis, it is best to contact your doctor immediately.
Unless your back pain is a result of injury or slip disc, your doctor can only provide you with some pain medication.
Nonetheless, there are a number of home remedies for back pain that you can try out for easing your troubles. These remedies are absolutely natural and have no danger of any side effects.
A disclaimer at the beginning – these home remedies for back pain are not a substitute for doctor’s medicine, but they act as a supplement to relieve pain.
These remedies are easily available, and will surely help you in your distress.
Ice packs for back pain
Using ice packs work very well in easing the pressure and pain on tired muscles, as it reduces the inflammation.
Doctors warn against using a warm compress as, though it relaxes the muscles and relieves the pain, it actually inflames the pain.
Making an ice compress is simple – just take some crushed ice and pack it in a plastic bag, wrapping it with a towel.
Apply the compress on the affected area for 10-15 minutes and then give your skin a rest for half an hour.
General back pains do get relieved by this method, but talk to a doctor if it doesn’t work for you.
Get a massage and relax
Another popular home remedy for back pain is to hire a professional masseuse or request your spouse or friend to give you a back rub.
You should lie face down on your bed or sofa and tell your masseuse to rub your back muscles to relax them and relieve pain.
You can also practice any relaxation technique such as meditation or deep breathing and counting 1-100 backwards with your eyes closed.
Ginger juice
Ginger juice is a favourite item when it comes to treating minor ailments, but it is also proved to be an excellent treatment for backache.
One way of using ginger can be to apply some ginger paste on the affected area and follow it up with eucalyptus oil.
The second method is to slice a few pieces of ginger and add them to one and a half cups of water. Cover it and let it simmer to a boiling point on low heat.
Let the mixture cool down and then strain it. Add some honey and drink this ginger tea for a few days until you notice a difference.
Similar to ginger juice, wheat too has its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which have help relieve pain.
The method begins by soaking a handful of wheat overnight.
In the morning, mix cuscus grass powder and coriander and boil the mixture until it thickens. Drink the mixture twice daily for best results.
Poppy seeds/khus khus
Poppy seeds also work like magic when it is treated as a home remedy for back pain.
The method is to crush and grind together 100 grams of poppy seeds (khus khus) and 100 grams of rock candy (mishri) and have two teaspoons of the mixture twice daily and follow up with a glass of milk.
Epsom salts
Epsom salts are also a great favourite when it comes to back pain as it relieves inflammation and reduces pain.
Mix Epsom salt and hot water into a thick paste and then ring out the extra fluid from the towel after soaking it in this.
Now, place the towel at the area where aches are the most. A second method is to pour two cups of Epsom salt to your bath water and soak in it for half an hour.
The heat from the towel will reduce any swelling in the back.
Milk as a home remedy for back pain
As older women are more prone to osteoporosis, drinking lots of milk is a good option for them to build their calcium.
Calcium is essential for body to strengthen our bones and spine. If you don’t like milk in its plain form, add some honey to sweeten it.
Alternatively, make a mixture of cuscus grass and sugar in equal amounts and consume it twice daily with warm milk.
Tulsi leaves
Tulsi leaves can also be used to treat mild back ache by adding 8-10 tulsi leaves to one cup of water and then boiling it until the water evaporates to half.
Add a pinch of salt when it cools down and drink once a day for mild pain; drink the concoction twice daily for severe pain.
Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea is also a very good home remedy for back pain as it relieves the muscles in your back.
You can either make your own chamomile tea or buy a package from the market.
Add one teaspoon of chamomile flowers to one cup of boiling water and let it seam for ten minutes. Drink one to three cups a day.
Watch your lifestyle
Sometimes, your life style can also be a cause of concern when it comes to back pains. Follow a healthy diet and exercise to keep your weight in check as excess weight can put pressure on your spine.
Moreover, smoking can also increase the risk of osteoporosis leading to spine fractures. Maintain a healthy posture and be careful when lifting heavy objects.
Women should avoid high heels and stick to flats or 1-inch heels as high heels create an unstable posture and put pressure on the spine.
These simple home remedies should be able to cure most causes of back pain.
If these methods don’t work for you or if there are other complications, it is best to see a doctor to check for slip discs, fractures or nerve problems.
Be regular with your medicines, if that is case, and take appropriate rest.
Once your back pain has lessened, work on exercises to strengthen your back muscles to avoid such problems in the future.
Tulsi leaves really worked out well for me
Cool ideas. Thank you for sharing the remedies for this unbearable backache. The greatness of this article is that we can prepare them at home and feel relaxed.
Having a desk job can really take a toll on your back, especially if you forget to walk around on a regular basis. Keeping active and maintaining ideal posture will make a big difference in how your back feels, especially if you incorporate stretching exercises into your physical activity. Camphor when boiled in Coconut oil also can help in curing back pain as it has worked for me. Thanks for sharing!
Indeed a useful tips for back pain, which we can do it ourselves at home, thank you for the tips, quite a handy one.