Who doesn’t want to have gorgeously glowing hair? When it comes to hair, it is the glow or the shine that makes it beautiful irrespective of the length.
In short, it doesn’t matter if you have a short hair, shoulder length, waist length or a longer one – if your hair is soft and shiny, you can easily amaze people with your hair.
Shining hair also improves your self esteem. It gives a good boost to your beauty efforts. Glowing hair will also amplify your make up efforts.
I am sure you can go to a professional salon and spend quite some bucks to get that soft and silky hair that you can show off. But it is not really needed. You can use the following home remedies to get soft and shining hair right at your home 🙂
A word of caution – some of these home treatments (may be all of them) can be messy! But all of them are worth the effort.
Not only you will be able to save some bucks because these home treatments are a lot cheaper, but you will also go the “natural” way – you exactly know what you put on your hair and scalp rather than loading your hair and scalp with chemicals that you can’t pronounce (and some, you don’t even know!).
Let’s get started.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera is a great treatment to condition and soften your hair. For this, you need gel directly taken from the plant. If you have a plant at home, great. I have one and I use it for my hair treatment every now and then.
If you don’t have one at your home, try to get it from someone in the neighbourhood. If you plan to use commercial gels, you won’t get the same result as using the gel directly from the plant.
Collect one aptly sized leaf based on the length and volume of your hair. Wash the leaf and carefully remove the skin. The gel you have in the middle is what you need.
Apply this in your scalp as well as on your hair. Do it in the shower or over the sink to avoid mess.
Once you are done with the application wrap your hair with a towel and leave it on for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Then rinse off thoroughly with a mild shampoo. You should see the difference already!
Deep conditioning with a light oil
This works wonder to make your hair glow, provided you clean up really well afterwards! If not, you might be left with sticky hair 🙂
You could use any light oil – coconut oil or olive oil works best for me. Just pour some oil in your palm, rub well and insert your fingers into the hair so you target the scalp and apply the oil in circular motion.
Repeat this multiple times as needed so you cover the entire scalp. And then repeat the same to coat your strands as well. Once you are done, make a bun or tie up the hair in a towel.
You could also sleep overnight if you don’t have sinus or other cold related issues (just make sure you spread a towel over your pillow to protect the pillow cover).
If you can’t leave it overnight, you can wait for 4-5 hours. Then wash off the oil with a mild shampoo. You might want to shampoo twice to get rid of the oil completely.
Let the hair dry naturally and once it is completely dry, comb softly with a wide-toothed comb. You will be amazed 🙂
Yogurt mask

This sounds kind of yucky, right? Indeed. The smell of yogurt is not so pleasant inside a shower/bathroom. But yogurt does wonders to your hair.
You need plain, un-flavored yogurt. If you have home made yogurt, great!
Take enough amount of yogurt (as required based on your hair longth and volume) and take it with you to the shower – you don’t want to make a mess anywhere else in the house lol.
Carefully apply the yogurt both in the scalp and in the hair. Sometimes I just take the yogurt in my palm and apply all over.
Sometimes I just pour/place it over my scalp and then work my way down in spreading it to my hair.
Use a plastic bag or a shower cap to cover your hair that you have already put as a bun – you might also use a holding hair clip if your hair is too short for a bun.
Expect some dripping and have a wash cloth ready to deal with it! You should wait at least 30 minutes. I know this is going to be tough, but in the end all your efforts will be so worth it.
When the time is up, just wash your hair thoroughly first. Once you are sure all the yogurt is off the hair, use a mild shampoo, clean well and rinse well.
You will literally experience silky hair.
Banana mask

Banana is not only great to quench your appetite, but this tasty fruit can also soften your hair.
Mash 1/2, or 1 or 2 ripe bananas. The quantity of the fruit required is based on the length and volume of your hair as always.
You can mash the fruit(s) with your hand or better use a food processor or a hand blender. Mashing with hand leaves chunks of the fruit in the mask which will be harder to get off from your hair once done. So better do it with a blender or a food processor.
Unlike the other masks/treatments, with banana mask you can focus only on the strands and not on the scalp.
And unlike other masks, don’t leave this for too long. 20-30 minutes should be fine. If you leave it longer, the mask will dry up and make it hard for you to clean it up!
Coconut milk treatment
Given that coconut oil is great for hair, we should realise the importance of coconut milk in hair care routines. For one it is a great conditioner and it deep conditions your hair.
For this treatment you obviously need coconut milk. If it is freshly prepared milk, it will be great for the health of your hair. But using canned milk is also fine and you will get just about the same result.
If you are going to prepare milk from coconut yourself, you have to grate the required amount of coconut, grind it in a food processor with some luke warm water and then extract the milk using a filter.
You can grind the resulting “waste” coconut two more times with luke warm water to extract second grade and third grade milk if you have really long hair 🙂
You need to apply the milk all over the scalp and on your hair. Since this is liquid, there will be a lot of dripping and mess. So it will be better if you do it in the shower, or over a sink.
Once done, make arrangements to wrap the hair well and deal with the dripping. If you leave it on for 30 minutes to 1 hour that is an achievement for sure 🙂
Once done wash and clean thoroughly with a mild shampoo. Enjoy your soft and silky hair.
Natural ways to get soft and silky hair
Getting salon like hair at home is not rocket science. If you ask me, the money you pay at the salon for getting soft and silky hair is mainly for the comfort.
In the salon you get to sit comfortably in a chair while professionals do their job. And of course, there is absolutely no mess and you have no awful-smelling and slippery shower in the end.
Plus you start and end with a pleasant smelling hair as opposed the home treatments where most of the time you smell awkward.
Having said that, make no mistake I am not telling those salon treatments aren’t good. The only thing that concerns me is the lack of “natural” stuff and the use of chemicals that I don’t know what they are and how they are made of.
Let me know your thoughts!
To Avoid Hair Loss There are some precautions that can be taken. Some foods and treatments are known to have a significant impact on the health of our hair. You can take some actions like herbs and supplements, vitamins A, B, E and omega-3 acids, applying egg oil, treating the hair with hot oil, Rub hair withgreen hair, Apply fenugreek seeds treatments, avvoid hairpieces, and wigs
These home remedies for the dry and dirty hair is so helpful for me. After using these remedies for soft and silky hair my hairs gives a perfect result for me. Now my hair looks so much silky and shiny. Thanks for sharing this.