Most of us have been victims to embarrassing dandruff moments.
White flakes on the shoulder keeps accumulating no matter how many attempts we make to brush them off. They just won’t leave.
We’ve been scrolling through pages of information on how to get rid of dandruff.
So many times, there have been instances when you when try to flaunt your new black dress but they don’t receive as much focus as they should due to this huge problem.
For some of us, it’s even worse. No matter how much we’ve spent on anti-dandruff shampoos and special scalp washing products to get rid of dandruff, it just doesn’t seem to work.
For those of us who are in dire need of a remedy, I have not one but forty of them.
They are not your usual blend of chemicals that we find at a pharmaceutical or cosmetic store, most of them are found in a grocery or herbal store. It’s time to make our own remedies from home to fight dandruff.
So here is the list of home remedies for dandruff you to choose from to get rid of dandruff.
- Neem And Olive Oil
- Coconut And Honey Scalp Scrub
- Aspirin
- Baking Soda And Lemon
- Listerine Mouthwash
- Banana And Apple Cider Vinegar
- Yogurt
- Fuller’s Earth
- Orange Peel Pack
- Lemon Juice And Yogurt
- Baking Soda
- Coconut Oil
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Tea Tree Oil
- Cedarwood Oil
- Fenugreek Seeds
- Egg Yolks
- Olive Oil
- Egg Oil
- Garlic
- Salt
- Baby Oil
- Vinegar
- Lemon Juice (With Coconut Oil)
- Aloe Vera
- Apples
- Ginger
- Henna
- Basil Leaves
- Castor Oil
- Witch Hazel
- Jojoba Oil
- Neem Oil
- Lavender Oil
- Green Tea
- Fish Oil
- Rosemary Oil
- Oregano Oil
- Indian Lilac
- White Vinegar.
Let me explain ways to use them:
1. Neem and Olive Oil
For this remedy you need a few dried neem leaves and four table spoons of olive oil.
First you need to crush the leaves into a fine powder and then mix these with the oil in a bowl.
Slowly apply this paste on your scalp and leave it for about an hour. Use shampoo and conditioner to rinse it off.
2. Coconut and Honey Scalp Scrub
For this home remedy for dandruff, you need two teaspoons of coconut oil, two teaspoons of olive oil, two teaspoons of honey and 3 teaspoons of yogurt.
To prepare this, mix the ingredients to a medium consistency. In case it is not thick enough, add a little bit more yogurt or honey to the mixture.
Apply this on you scalp and massage it. Make sure it reaches from the tips to the roots of your hair.
Let it be there for 35-40 minutes and then rinse it off with shampoo. After drying your hair with a soft towel, apply few drops of coconut oil.
3. Aspirin
This remedy for headaches has external uses too as a home remedy for dandruff. All you need are two aspirin pills make this remedy.
First of all, crush these two pills, make powder of them and add them to a bowl.
Then Mix a little amount of your regular shampoo to this powder and make a thick and dense mixture.
Shampoo like you usually do with this mixture but leave it on for 2-3 minutes before rinsing them off.
This will give time to the mixture to get rid of dandruff. Do this early morning before having your bath.
4. Baking Soda and Lemon
For this home remedy to get rid of dandruff, you need three tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, three tablespoons of baking soda and a bowl of apple cider vinegar.
Make a fine mix of the ingredients. Apply them to your scalp.
Keep them on for 10 minutes or until your scalp starts to itch. This means it is starting to work.
Baking soda is anti-fungal in nature and is a good way to get rid of dandruff.
Wash your hair with normal water. After that, use the apple cider vinegar as conditioner.
5. Listerine Mouthwash
Mouthwashes like Listerine have high antifungal properties, which is utilized inside the mouth and is also effective as an answer on how to get rid of dandruff.
To apply this as a remedy, we need to take one tablespoon of Listerine and nine tablespoons of water.
Firstly, mix the mouthwash with the water in a bowl. Wash your hair as you normally do with your regular shampoo.
After you’re done, apply the mixture and rinse your hair. You may also leave it on as it is and style your hair. It will work either way.
6. Banana and Apple Cider Vinegar
For this you need one whole banana and two cups of apple cider vinegar.
Go ahead and peel the banana and put it in a vessel. Add the apple cider vinegar to the vessel.
Smash the banana and then stir thoroughly till you get a very smooth and fine paste of the ingredients.
Apply this mixture to your hair. Massage till the paste cover ever part of your scalp and hair from tip to root.
When this is done, leave it on for a while. Twenty minutes should do the trick. And this rinse your hair nicely and get rid of every drop of that paste.
7. Yogurt
Yogurt has plenty of friendly bacteria. When there are plenty of friendly bacteria, it will trigger the decreased in the number of harmful yeast. This is phenomenon we see when yogurt helps in better digestion.
For this remedy, all you need is a cup of plain yogurt and black pepper.
Mix the yogurt and the black pepper evenly and make sure there are no granules. Shampoo and rinse your hair normally.
Apply the yogurt pepper mixture to your scalp and apply it all over. Then wash it off with a small amount of shampoo.
8. Fuller’s earth
Take one full cup if Fuller’s earth and two to three tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. You will also need some water.
Firstly, mix the fuller’s earth with water till you get a smooth paste with no granules.
After the paste is done, add the freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply the mixture on your scalp and leave it on for twenty minutes and rinse it off.
9. Orange Peel Pack
For this remedy, you need a few dry orange peels and five to six table spoons of lemon juice.
Put the Orange peels and lemon juice is a blender and keep blending till you get a smooth paste.
Then apply this paste on your scalp very gently and keep it on for at least thirty minutes.
After you’re done with it, wash your hair and then shampoo with your regular brand.
10. Lemon Juice and Yogurt
You will need a bowl of curd and a half-cut lemon.
Firstly, squeeze the lemon into the curd and mix them thoroughly. Apply this mixture to your head.
Use the lemon peel to apply and massage the mixture on your scalp for better use.
Leave it on for about 10 minutes. After that, wash it off with your regular shampoo.
11. Baking Soda
All you need is one tablespoon of baking soda for this method.
Get your hair wet and apply the baking soda powder to your hair.
Let the baking soda stay for a minute and wash thoroughly.
As an alternate method, you could also mix it with your shampoo and use it to wash your hair.
12. Coconut Oil
Something as simple as coconut oil can help you get rid of dandruff. It a very simple method but one of the best way to get rid of dandruff.
Just simply wash your hair with your regular shampoo. Do not apply or us conditioner.
Then when your hair dries up, massage your scalp with coconut oil and leave it for a while (5-10 minutes). Then Wash your hair with water and rinse thoroughly.
13. Apple Cider Vinegar
You will need little amounts of apple cider vinegar and some water.
Mix the apple cider vinegar and water in a bowl. Wash your hair as like you always do and apply the apple cider vinegar and water mixture and scrub your hair.
Keep it on for a while. After 10-15 minutes, wash your hair and dry it. Apple cider vinegar will change the pH of your scalp that will decrease the growth of yeast.
14. Tea Tree Oil
Take a few drops of tea tree extract or tea tree oil.
That some shampoo in a cup and add the tea tree oil into it. Mix the two components till you have an even mixture.
Rub the Mixture on your scalp and let it stay for 5minutes. After 5 minutes, wash your hair thoroughly to remove dandruff.
15. Cedarwood Oil
For this method, you need 7 drops of cedarwood essential Oil, 10 drops of Cypress Essential Oil, 10 drops of Juniper essential oil and 50ml Carrier oil.
Take all these ingredients in a bowl and mix them. Take two cups and divide this mixture evenly between these two cups.
Take the first cup and apply it to the scalp. After application, leave it for an hour.
After an hour has passed, wash your hair with mild shampoo and rinse your hair with warm water.
Take the second cup and mix it with water and use it for the final rinse. Do this for some days till you see results.
16. Fenugreek Seeds
For this method, take one tablespoon of Fenugreek seeds and two cups of hot water.
Crush the fenugreek seeds till they are grainy. Soak the grainy particles in the hot water and let them be overnight.
Next Morning rinse your hair with the water slowly while massaging your scalp and hair.
The presence of various vitamins and minerals in these seeds makes it a one of the best ways to get rid of dandruff.
17. Egg Yolks
Take two eggs.
Extract the yolks from these eggs carefully. Then take these two yolks and mix them up in a bowl. Make sure that your hair is dry.
Them apply this mixture and your scalp. Once this is done, take a plastic bag or a regular piece of thin plastic and use it to cover your hair.
Keep it on for an hour. The wash it thoroughly with a good strong shampoo. If need be, wash it twice to remove the odor.
18. Olive Oil
There are two ways to use olive as an anti-dandruff remedy.
Firstly, you can use Olive oil to massage your scalp. After you’re done, keep it for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with your regular shampoo.
Secondly, you can massage your scalp with olive oil at night, before going to sleep. Wrap a towel around your head and let your hair absorb it. Then wash it off the next morning.
19. Egg Oil
Take a little bit of egg oil and massage it into your scalp. Leave it overnight. Then massage your scalp with a mild herbal shampoo.
Egg oil is rich in long-chain polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids that strengthen the hair follicles.
Due to this reason, avoiding shampooing more than once if you use this method. Or else the minerals get washed off to and leave the hair dry.
20. Garlic and Honey
You need a few garlic cloves and some honey.
Take these garlic cloves and honey in a bowl and crush them and make a smooth paste.
After making the paste, apply it on your scalp and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Then shampoo your hair as usual.
Garlic has exceptional antifungal properties and honey is a very nutritional for the hair.
Rub that salt on your hair and make sure it reaches every part of your scalp. Give yourself a good massage.
Do this for as long as required till you feel the flaky dandruff is gone from your scalp. Then go shampoo your hair as usual.
22. Baby Oil
Take some baby oil in a bowl. Then massage your scalp and hair nicely with it.
Cover your hair with a piece of cloth or a towel and leave it overnight. I
n the morning, wash your hair with some good anti dandruff shampoo.
23. Vinegar
For this method, you need two cups of vinegar and a cup of water.
Boil the vinegar and let it cool down. Mix just one-eighth of it in a cup of water and stir well.
Use this mixture to massage your scalp. Shampoo your hair and use one tablespoon of vinegar while rinsing.
Make sure you don’t get any in your eyes.
24. Lemon Juice (With coconut Oil)
For this method, we require one teaspoon of lemon juice and 5 teaspoons of coconut oil.
Mix the lemon juice and coconut oil. Apply this mixture to your scalp and leave it for half an hour.
After you’re done with it, wash it with a mild shampoo.
25. Aloe Vera Gel
Collect the Aloe Vera gel directly from the plant by crushing and extracting it from the shoot.
Take this gel and smoothly apply this to the scalp. Let it stay for 15 minutes. After that, rinse with a mild shampoo.
26. Apples
For this method, take two tablespoons of apple juice and two table spoons of water.
Take these two ingredients and mix them up.
Leave it up for 15 minutes and wash your scalp with a mild shampoo.
Unripe apples contain procyanidin B-2, a natural compound that has been found to promote hair growth.
Use the apple peel without wasting it.
27. Ginger
For this remedy to get rid of dandruff, we require a small amount of ginger and four ounces of sesame oil.
First, peel the ginger and grate it. Squeeze it and extract the juice from it. Mix the ginger juice and sesame oil evenly.
Massage your scalp with the mixture. Let it stay on for a few minutes and then wash it off with a mild shampoo.
28. Henna
For this remedy, you need one teaspoon henna, one teaspoon amla powder, one spoon tea powder, one teaspoon lemon juice and one teaspoon of hair oil.
Mix all these ingredients in a cup or a bowl till you get a paste. Apply this paste thoroughly to the scalp and leave it on for a few minutes.
Use a mild shampoo to wash it off after sometime.
29. Basil Leaves
For this method you need a few basil leaves, two teaspoons of amla powder and two teaspoons of water.
Mix all these ingredients and make a smooth paste from it. Take this pate and use a brush to apply this paste on you scalp.
Leave it on your scalp for 30 minutes. After that, rinse your hair with fresh water.
30. Castor Oil
Collect 3-4 tablespoons of castor oil in a vessel.
Warm the oil lightly and apply it to your scalp. Keep massaging you’re the oil into your scalp till it gets totally absorbed.
Leave your hair like that overnight. Rinse your hair and scalp thoroughly in the morning.
31. Witch Hazel
For this method, we need half a cup of witch hazel, half a cup of water and a spray bottle.
Mix the witch hazel liquid and water and pour it into the spray bottle.
Spray this mixture after shaking on your hair and scalp. Massage the scalp for a couple of minutes.
After 15 minutes, wash your hair and condition it for best results.
32. Jojoba Oil
Take two to three tablespoons of jojoba oil. Run the drops of the oil between your palms and fingertips to warm it up.
Apply it on your scalp and massage yourself.
Use a shower cap to cover your head and keep it on for twenty minutes. Then, rinse your hair with your usual shampoo.
33. Neem Oil
For this method, you need one tablespoon neem oil and one tablespoon olive oil.
Mix these two oils evenly. Apply it to your scalp and massage at the roots of your hair. Leave it for twenty minutes and then rinse it.
34. Lavender Oil
Take two tablespoons of Olive or coconut oil and 12 drops of lavender essential oil.
Mix these two ingredients evenly. Then, apply the mixture to your scalp.
Leave it for thirty minutes. Then rinse with your usual shampoo.
35. Green Tea
For this remedy to get rid of dandruff, you need two green tea bags and a cup of hot water for twenty minutes.
Put the green tea in the hot cup of water for twenty minutes and let the dense liquid cool down.
Apply this mixture to your scalp. Let it stay for thirty minutes. Then rinse your hair with your usual shampoo.
36. Fish Oil
For this you need fish oil supplements. All you need to do it take 1-2 capsules on a daily basis.
These capsules contain essential omega-3 fatty acids. So, consuming them once every morning and night helps to eliminate dandruff.
37. Rosemary Oil
Take two tablespoons of carrier oil and 4-5 drops of rosemary essential oil.
As a carrier oil you may use coconut oil, olive oil or almond oil. Add the rosemary essential oil with the carrier oil that you prefer.
Apply this mixture very thoroughly to your scalp and cover your head and hair with a hot towel.
When the towel comes down to room temperature, rinse your hair properly.
38. Oregano Oil
Take 3-4 drops of Oregano oil and one tablespoon of shampoo.
For every tablespoon of shampoo that you require to wash your hair, add 4 drops of Oregano oil to it.
Rinse and massage your hair simultaneously.
39. Indian Lilac
Indian Lilac has many antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Boil a handful of Indian Lilac leaves in a cup of water.
Cool the solution and then stain it to remove the leaves. Apply the solution to your scalp and repeat it twice or thrice a week.
40. White Vinegar
Take half a cup of white vinegar, quarter cup olive oil and one and a half cups of water. Mix these three very well. Apply slowly all over the scalp and keep it on for 10 minutes.
Rinse your hair and shampoo properly. The acetic acid present in white vinegar helps remove dandruff.
So, now you know. Your life long enemy, dandruff, is no longer a threat to you.
Choose any of these methods and follow them as instructed.
Do not expect immediate result. This requires some patience and show be done on a regular basis.
Stick to any one of these methods and continue them for proper results.
Switching between methods is not advised. Some might take more time than others but they will definitely work.
Hope you got what you were looking for. Get a dandruff free scalp and gain more confidence. Thank You.
Going to try the coconut oil and rosemary my hair is thin
I also heard about rosemary is more effective who have thin hair.
The plant in essential oil form is said to :
1) have anti-inflammatory properties
2) promote nerve growth
3) improve circulation
Thanks for the additional info Yaun!
This is indeed a great compilation of the natural ways to treat dandruff. I respect the time and efforts you have invested in researching and sharing the knowledge and information on the home made tips for getting rid of dandruff. Will definitely these remedies and as I have been suffering from serious dandruff for some time now. Thanks again for sharing this resourceful article!!
You are welcome Akash. Glad you found it useful. Thanks for your comment!