DIY Aloe Vera Soap – A Refreshing Recipe!

DIY Aloe Vera Soap
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DIY Aloe Vera SoapDIY Aloe Vera Soap

Making a chemical free soap at home can be really fun! If you are thinking how it is possible, then don’t worry, we will guide you through all the steps to make your own natural soap at home.

Soap making is not rocket science. If you have the ingredients correct and follow the steps wisely, it can come as a real adventure!

The homemade soaps are free from synthetic ingredients and are chemical-free. They do not harm your skin, rather makes you look brighter due to the natural ingredients it has.

Once you get hold of the basics, you can use your creativity.

You can use various natural ingredients that are easily found at home, and make beautiful fragrant soaps for yourself.

When we talk about natural ingredients, aloe vera stands out among all. Aloe vera is inexpensive and easily available.

You can even grow your own aloe vera and make soaps out of it. Aloe vera is known to highly beneficial for the skin.

Before you start making the soaps, go through the benefits that aloe vera can offer.

Benefits of aloe vera

  • Soothes skin irritation
  • Treats burns
  • Helps in healing wounds
  • Prevents aging and moisturizes the skin
  • It is known as the best anti-inflammatory agent

Here is a complete guide on how to make your own aloe vera soap!

#1 The cold process method

The cold process method is one of the popular ways to make your own DIY aloe vera soap. It is a mixture of science and art.

Though it may seem complicated, once you get to hold the steps, you are good to go! There are two things that you must consider before starting the main procedure

  • Select the recipe and calculate the lye you need for the soap making
  • Collect your safety gears and ingredients at one place before you are ready.

Things you will need

  • Rubber gloves
  • Safety goggles
  • Full sleeved pants and shirts
  • Heavy bottomed stainless steel
  • Stick blender
  • Measuring scale
  • Soap molds of different shapes

Step 1

To make 2 bars of aloe vera soap

  • Vegetable fat- 9g
  • Aloe Vera gel- 3 g
  • Olive oil -3g
  • Distilled water -86g
  • Lye -6g
  • Various fragrances, sea salt, essential oils, pumice stone for scrubbing

Step 2

You must begin by cutting the aloe vera and scooping out the gel. Place it on a paper towel until the yellow gel stops coming out.

Step 3

Take distilled water and measure it properly.

Step 4

Mix together vegetable oil and olive oil. Heat them for 1 minute in the microwave oven or directly on the burner at high heat.

Step 5

Using a spoon, mix the measured Lye with distilled water.

Always remember to mix lye in water and not pour water on the lye. When the fumes disappear, you will get a clear liquid.

Step 6

Pour the oil mixture into the lye. Keep mixing it with a spatula as you pour oil into the lye mixture.

Step 7

Mix aloe vera gel in the lye mixture. Keep stirring until it absorbs completely. Now add the essential oils of your choice.

Step 8

Transfer the soap into the mold and keep it away from direct sunlight or moisture. Let it sit for 24 hours.

The Aloe vera soap is ready to use.

#2 Hot process method

For this process, you must have your safety gears on and ingredients ready.

Both the cold and hot processes are similar, however, in the hot process, you need to take help of an external source of heat for the saponification.

Step 1

Measure the lye and distilled water. Slowly pour lye in the water and keep stirring until it dissolves completely. Allow the mixture to cool down.

Step 2

Heat all the oils in a steel pan. Add aloe vera and keep mixing on low heat. Now add essential oils and keep stirring until it becomes smooth.

Step 3

Add the lye mixture slowly in the oil mix. Keep stirring to blend it into smooth slurry. Remember that when you mix both the mixtures, they must have equal temperatures. The end result will be gooey slurry.

Step 4

Transfer the mixtures in the mold and let it cool of 24hours.

Step 5

Once it is set, take them out of the molds and pile them for curing. The curing method depends on the type of climate you live in. if the climate is humid, it may take a few weeks to a month.

#3 Melt and pour method

One of the quickest methods is the melt and pours technique to make DIY aloe vera soaps.

In this method, you get the pre-made soap bases that are easily available in the market.

You do not use lye in the making of DIY soap under this technique.

Below are the ingredients you need for making Melt and Pour DIY soap;

  • Soap base 500g. You may take soap of your choice
  • A large knife
  • Stainless steel or tempered glass bowls
  • Aloe Vera gel 1 cup
  • Essential oils, coconut oil, and other additives

Step 1

Melt the soap base in a stainless steel pan. Keep stirring on a low flame.

Step 2

Cool the mixture for three minutes. Add all the remaining ingredients to it. You need to keep stirring really fast. In case the soap hardens, you may reheat the mixture again for few seconds.

Step 3

Transfer the mixture in the molds. If there are bubbles, spray rubbing alcohol. Let it sit for 24 hours.

Step 4

Once the soaps are set, take them out. They are ready to use without curing.

Things to remember while making soap!

  • Always take accurate measurements
  • Wear safety goggles
  • Try to keep your skin away from the soap mixture
  • Make soaps in a well-ventilated area
  • Have an absorbent handy to clean the spills
  • Cure the soaps that are made with hot process method
  • Take a note of the batches that you have made

Aloe vera soaps are considered to be one of the best natural remedies to cure all the skin related issues.

Since ages, they have been known to benefit us and now you can prepare them at home!


This post was last modified on June 17, 2019 10:22 AM

Jane Sheeba: I am Dr. Jane Sheeba (Ph. D), Kindle Author, Digital Marketer, and a YouTuber. I also write at Do Splash and Jane Sheeba.
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