Cinnamon for weight loss: How to use cinnamon for weight loss

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At present, the rapid increase in commercialism around the world has also taken a massive toll on the general health of the people.

For instance, obesity seems to be on the rise as people, especially youngsters, lead lives largely dominated by junk food and a sedentary lifestyle.

Weight loss and simple ways of doing so seem to be the raging topic these days.

If you were to visit a dietician, he or she would advise you to take up extensive physical activity like cardio and cut down on carbs.

However, for most of us leading fast paced lives, it is next to impossible to carve out time for physical activities during the course of the day.

Similarly, there are a bunch of people who suffer from obesity but aren’t permitted to exert themselves, owing to pre existing medical conditions.

For such people, natural remedies for weight loss are the only way out. If you were to ask your grandparents, they’d tell you about cinnamon for weight loss.

You see, before there were dietary supplements and other medication that could help you lose weight, there were these natural home remedies which were guaranteed to reduce obesity and enhance your health.

Cinnamon has been used for its medicinal properties and its brilliant rich taste in a number of ways; however, recently, more and more people are using cinnamon to help them lose weight faster and in a safer way.

How does cinnamon help you lose weight?

So we’ve spoken about cinnamon for weight loss; but how does it work, really?

What makes cinnamon so efficient when it comes to preventing obesity or reducing fat? Let’s see how:

Cinnamon regulates insulin levels

Cinnamon plays a key role in regulating the glucose metabolism of your body. Glucose metabolism refers to the level of sugar in your blood.

Thus, cinnamon directly affects the insulin level in your blood. For those suffering from diabetes, it is crucial that you keep a tab on the level of sugar in your blood.

Either of the two extremes could prove to be fatal in your case. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t matter if you’re not suffering from diabetes.

If the level of insulin in your blood is high, it would hamper the fat metabolism in your body and would cause fat to be stored in your body longer.

That would lead to a sudden gain in weight and you would find it difficult to shed the extra kilos.

Cinnamon reduces blood sugar

We have already talked about how important it is for you to maintain the level of blood sugar in your body.

Cinnamon would not only regulate glucose metabolism in your body but would also reduce the level of sugar in your blood.

Thus, if you’ve recently been diagnosed with diabetes, this is a good option for you.

Most importantly, by keeping your blood sugar levels on the lower side, cinnamon prevents fat accumulation in the body.

So if you’re wondering if cinnamon for weight loss is the way to go, this should convince you.

Cinnamon enhances body metabolism

Cinnamon regulates the level of blood sugar in the blood. Not just that, it also regulates and enhances the overall metabolism of the body.

It is your body metabolism that results in obesity since it determines the rate at which the fat present in the food you eat is broken down.

This is precisely why some people are fatter than others, although they might eat the same quantities of food.

If you add cinnamon to your meals, that would hasten the metabolism process in your body.

It would speed up the process, thus making sure that the fat is broken down in your body and not stored.

Basically, cinnamon, like hot peppers, would require more energy to be metabolized or broken down.

That increases the speed automatically. This certainly burns more calories, and this is why cinnamon for weight loss is a good option.

Cinnamon lowers cholesterol

You must know that there are two kinds of cholesterol in the body- the good and bad kind. The latter is harmful for your heart and is a leading cause of cardiac arrest amongst people.

If cinnamon is introduced as part of your meal, that would reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol in the body – it is LDL cholesterol that causes the maximum harm.

A study conducted on diabetic patients who consumed cinnamon in prescribed quantities showed a remarkable improvement in cholesterol levels in the body.

Cinnamon helps fight belly fat

For those of us struggling with our weight, we usually have qualms about your bellies or our thighs.

After all, the abdomen is what is mainly affected if you’re suffering from obesity.

As they say, a moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips. This is where the stored fat really accumulates; so now you know the reason behind your bulging bellies.

But cinnamon has been said to burn belly fat twice as faster compared to any other food item.

Remember, excessive abdominal fat isn’t good for you since it exerts extra pressure on your vital body organs.

Cinnamon curbs appetite

One of the main reasons why you’re struggling to lose weight is because you’re unable to cut down on food.

Come on, if you’re hungry all the time, it’s not going to help.

Cinnamon, as a matter of fact, works from the very root by curbing your appetite.

How can you use cinnamon for weight loss?

If you’re wondering how to use cinnamon for weight loss, you can either use it as a powder that can be sprinkled on to your meals or even mix it with honey and tea to form a kind of concoction.

Cinnamon tastes really good and goes with almost any kind of food item.

During your meals, you could add it to fruits or yogurts or butter; the key is to consume cinnamon in any form possible to get the best results.

Using cinnamon for weight loss isn’t something new; this has been around for generations and for good reason.

If you’re frustrated with weight loss techniques that don’t seem to work and are on the verge of giving up, you could give this easy home remedy a try.

This post was last modified on June 17, 2019 10:21 AM

Jane Sheeba: I am Dr. Jane Sheeba (Ph. D), Kindle Author, Digital Marketer, and a YouTuber. I also write at Do Splash and Jane Sheeba.
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