Most of you must already be familiar with the process of converting sugar cane into ordinary table sugar.
During this elaborate process, certain by-products are obtained, all of which have a unique significance of their own.
For example, molasses is one of the many by-products of sugar and it is a thick, dark liquid that is produced.
During the process, particularly during the third boiling of the sugar cane, another product is released.
This is called blackstrap molasses.
Now this unique ingredient has recently garnered widespread support and popularity.
You see, blackstrap molasses have a rick concentration of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
Naturally, if taken in in proper quantities and on a regular basis, you’re bound to notice certain changes in yourself.
The health benefits of blackstrap molasses have been backed up by scientific evidence.
As it turns out, these molasses contain a number of the major nutrients that are left behind after the crystallization of the sucrose in the sugar.
It is amazing to see how each aspect of the sugar cane, including the left over bits, are judiciously used to create products that could be helpful to us.
If you don’t happen to believe scientific research, you would at least believe people who have used it and benefited from it.
Apart from adding vitamins and minerals to your body, these molasses are rich in iron and are recommended for people with a haemoglobin deficiency.
What Are Blackstrap Molasses?
Historically speaking, molasses were mainly produced in the Caribbean where sugar cane was generated on a large scale.
Ever since then, the sugar cane and its refined form, sugar, were exported to various parts of the world.
Now blackstrap molasses, as we have discussed before already, are produced in the third stage of boiling the cane during the refinement process. It is a dark, brownish liquid with a really thick consistency.
This liquid is meant to be consumed by the users on a regular basis. Since this is a natural product, you wouldn’t even have to worry about side effects.
Having established that, let’s take a look at some of its benefits.
The Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses
The blackstrap molasses benefits are really too many to be counted. However, here you have twelve such benefits of blackstrap molasses.
Prevention of cancer
Since blackstrap molasses have a rich concentration of some vital nutrients, scientific evidence shows that it may help in the prevention of cancer.
As a matter of fact, it can even help treat some forms of cancer.
Blackstrap molasses would help in shrinking the size of malignant tumors.
Blackstrap molasses have a rich concentration of antioxidants as well.
As a matter of fact, it contains more antioxidants that any of its counterparts like corn syrup, refined sugar or even cane sugar.
These would protect you from degenerative diseases, cardiovascular ailments and oxidative damage as well.
Source of energy
Energy in your body is produced when the carbohydrates that you consume are converted into it.
Now, blackstrap molasses when taken in, would hasten the conversion process.
It would boost the molecules of carbohydrates and increase your metabolism throughout your day.
So if you have been feeling down, you now know the solution!
Improves bone health
As we grow older, our bones tend to get weaker.
This is particularly true in case of women in their middle age.
With every passing day, your bones start losing more and more nutrients, especially calcium.
However, molasses would help in restoring these lost nutrients and would strengthen your bones from within.
Healthy hearts
Do you have high cholesterol? Then you should know that you face a risk of heart or cardiovascular diseases or even heart attack.
However, you could keep your cholesterol in check with the help of blackstrap molasses.
These are rich in iron and other nutrients that you would need to regulate your cholesterol and keep your heart healthy.
Menstruation health
During your time of the month, you would be experiencing a lot of blood loss.
For women, this blood loss also means you would be losing your iron content in your blood.
Thus, it is important to supply your body with the required iron that was lost in the process. As it turns out, molasses can help with that.
Obesity is the leading cause of cardiovascular diseases and death in the world at present.
For those suffering from obesity, it is important to come up with ways of losing weight naturally and harmlessly.
Molasses, which are a rich source of antioxidants, would help you burn your fats twice as fast.
For adults and children around the world, constipation is one of the most dreaded health problems.
Also, the enemas you take might end up having negative side effects with regular use.
You could prevent that by taking blackstrap molasses enemas.
Regular consumption of this would prevent constipation in the long run.
Rheumatism and Neuralgia
Neuralgia is an extremely painful neurological disorder whereas rheumatism can obstruct your daily life.
Molasses would help you reduce the pain in both cases.
Actually, the medication for both ailments contains molasses in some form of the other because it contains anti inflammatory properties.
Diabetes is one the most dangerous silent killers today.
For patients of diabetes, it is important to regulate your blood sugar levels.
Any fluctuation could result in further troubles for you.
Regular intake of molasses would help you keep this in check.
Molasses would help in slowing down the metabolism of carbohydrates and glucose.
Molasses happen to be a rich source of potassium, which helps in regulating the smooth functioning of cells.
Each cell has a fixed acid base balance that must be maintained to regulate your health.
If you manage to keep up the level of potassium in your body, it would keep your blood pressure in check and would also prevent hypokalemia.
For teenagers and adolescents around the world, acne is a nightmare.
Regular intake of black molasses would cleanse your body from within and reduce chances of blemishes and acne.
These are just 12 blackstrap molasses uses; apart from that, these molasses would help in improving your immunity system and would help in keeping a bunch of diseases at bay.
So come on, why don’t you give blackstrap molasses a try?
Hi Jane,
Thank you for sharing this information about blackstrap molasses. I had no idea that blackstrap molasses could be this helpful when it comes to our health. Where can I buy blackstrap molasses? I want to recommend blackstrap molasses to my friends too.
Wonderful information posted so I’m guessing that this is something we drink but honestly don’t know. You’ll have to educate me on on how to consume the molasses I honestly don’t know.